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This systematic review provides insights on the effects of school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic and of measures to reduce…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Dela Cruz, Nina Ashley|Adona, Ann Jillian|Molato-Gayares, Rhea|Park, Albert


06 Mar 2024

Government policies that promote cloud adoption not only improve government effectiveness but also have positive spillover effects on…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Katz, Raul |Jung, Juan |Beschorner, Natasha |Morgan, Peter J.|Beirne, John|Rahut, Dil B.


23 Jan 2024

Quality and sustainable infrastructure investments are needed to rebuild smartly and create a more resilient, inclusive, and equitable…


17 Jan 2024

Micro-level intervention on the household choice of remittance channels and providers can potentially contribute to reducing remittance…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Maeda, Hiroshi |Edwards, Ryan |Suryadarma, Daniel


15 Jan 2024

Rapid and unpredictable digital technology innovation is reshaping economic, social, and cultural systems.


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Bera, Subhasis, Yao, Yixin, Palit, Amitendu, Rahut, Dil B.


12 Jan 2024

As Korea has achieved unprecedentedly compressed economic growth and political democratization since the 1960s, it has changed from an…

Korea Institute of Public Administration

Korea Institute of Public Administration (KIPA)

Myungjae Moon (Professor, Department of Public Policy and Management, Yonsei University)

This brief illustrates how improving health and aged care in Asia and the Pacific hinges on tackling the shortage of trained staff,…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Coghlan, Benjamin|Shin, Meekyung|Wyse, Meredith


29 Dec 2023

This working paper aims to support developing member countries in developing policies and regulations for their digital, platform, and…

This publication analyzes the risks of digital transformation and shows how context-aware and integrated risk management can advance the…


27 Dec 2023

This report analyzes the online learning experiences of higher education students in six Asian countries during the pandemic to…


19 Dec 2023