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Quantifying the economic impact of disasters to businesses is crucial for disaster relief and preparation.


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Yabe, Takahiro|Zhang, Yunchang|Ukkusuri, Satish V.


03 Sep 2020

Vietnam is facing enormous challenges due to climate change, with an increase in a variety of extreme climate events. Countless…


The Asia Foundation

Industry, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and|UPS

Trading hubs in Asia and Europe may need to be established so that gas pricing can fully reflect the fundamentals in gas markets and…

The Blue Economy, along with the Integrated Coastal Zone Management approach provides the appropriate framework for linking all sectors…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Sotiriadis, Marios|Shen, Shiwei

Financial incentives are part of the long-term solution for achieving energy efficiency.


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Sarker, Tapan|Taghizadeh-Hesary, Farhad|Mortha, Aline|Saha, Anjan

Effective governance is one of the most essential elements of an overall disaster risk management strategy.


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Oo, Poe|Bugalia, Nikhil|Seetharam, K. E.|Ikeda, Tetsuya|Koike, Toshio


19 Aug 2020

The relationship between climate change and locust outbreak is not well-established. However, a recent increase in frequency and…


Sustainable Development Policy Institute

Salik, Kashif Majeed|Suleri, Dr Abid Qaiyum

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is an unprecedented and tragic global health crisis. To contain COVID-19, governments have…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Asian Development Bank

This brief introduces a framework to help countries tackle the climate crisis and build resilience as an integral part of their recovery…


12 Aug 2020

Climate change is an imminent challenge to global development. In the past decades, the global community has experienced extreme climate…