
Our paper investigates the spillover effects generated by foreign and domestic exporting firms on export decisions of local manufacturing firms in Viet…


Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia

Truong, Quang Hoan|Dong, Van Chung

Asia and the Pacific

30 Dec 2021

Much evidence supports the potential of conditional cash transfer programs to increase household human capital investment. However, these programs can…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Raitzer, David A.|Batmunkh, Odbayar|Yarcia, Damaris

Asia and the Pacific

30 Dec 2021

The link between fiscal policy and sustainable development is country specific. Tax revenues remain a major source of green and social finance.…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Aizenman, Joshua|Jinjarak, Yothin|Nguyen, Hien|Park, Donghyun

Asia and the Pacific

30 Dec 2021

This paper demonstrates ensemble methods in population mapping and assesses their applicability in analyzing and forecasting population density on a…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Mitterling, Thomas|Fenz, Katharina|Jr., Arturo Martinez|Bulan, Joseph|Addawe, Mildred|Durante, Ron Lester|Martillan, Marymell

Asia and the Pacific

30 Dec 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic as an exogenous shock has affected the business sector by disrupting production and shrinking demand due to strict physical…


Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia

Mulyaningsih, Tri|Cahyadin, Malik|Sarmidi, Tamat

Asia and the Pacific

30 Dec 2021

Digitalisation, US–China decoupling, and the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic represent the three remarkable sources of changes faced by the…

Asia and the Pacific

30 Dec 2021

This policy brief highlights the role of social enterprises in promoting social impact and inclusion for people with disabilities in the Association of…


Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia

Crosta, Nicola|Sanders, Allison|Marsan, Giulia Ajmone|Sabrina, Lina Maulidina

Asia and the Pacific

30 Dec 2021

A PMCG power point presentation tracking employment in Georgia.


Policy and Management Consulting Group

Group, Policy and Management Consulting

Asia and the Pacific

30 Dec 2021

According to the Georgian National Tourism Administration, in 2021 some positive recovery trends has been shown both in terms of revenue from…


Policy and Management Consulting Group

Group, Policy and Management Consulting

Asia and the Pacific

30 Dec 2021

In December 2021, in Georgia the hotel price index3 increased by 2.5% compared to November 2021. The 3-star, 4-star and 5-star hotel price index…


Policy and Management Consulting Group

Group, Policy and Management Consulting

Asia and the Pacific

30 Dec 2021

The report aims to understand the human, economic and social hazards endured by Bangladesh due to COVID-19, and measure the country’s resilience and…


Centre for Policy Dialogue

Moazzem, Khondaker Golam|Ahmed, Tamim

Asia and the Pacific

30 Dec 2021

Bangladesh is one of the most at-risk countries in the world to climate change with regular and frequent exposure to natural hazards. Due to…


Centre for Policy Dialogue

Khatun, Fahmida|Shadat, Wasel Bin|Kabir, Foqoruddin Al

Asia and the Pacific

30 Dec 2021