
This publication features a broad suite of statistical indicators characterizing the supply-and-use interactions of economic sectors within and across…


19 Jul 2022

This brief provides insights on how learning losses caused by the closure of schools during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic can be…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Molato-Gayares, Rhea|Suryadarma, Daniel|Park, Albert|Thomas, Milan|Raitzer, David A.|Vandenberg, Paul


18 Jul 2022

This publication explores lessons from Sri Lanka's experience of reforming electricity distribution through the Lanka Electricity Company, a…

Sri Lanka

18 Jul 2022

This guidance note provides specific actions and tools for scaling up and mainstreaming water resilience in Asia and the Pacific through ADB’s…


12 Jul 2022

This publication shares five conceptual investment models for investing in the restoration and sustainable management of wetland sites along the East…


12 Jul 2022

The publication captures the knowledge and lessons from a water supply project in the coastal city of Khulna in Bangladesh in addressing the worsening…


06 Jul 2022

This report reviews the progress of regulatory and policy reforms in Nepal and offers lessons to help refine the country’s fiscal federalism framework…


04 Jul 2022

While carbon pricing has been considered the first-best policy worldwide to combat climate change, it may not be sufficient for meeting the multiple…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Wu, Jie|Fan, Ying|Timilsina, Govinda|Xia, Yan

Attracting better talents to teach in rural schools could be an important pathway to improve the academic achievements of the weakest students at rural…


30 Jun 2022

This publication focuses on the state of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and education technology (EdTech) in…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Ramanathan, Subramaniam|Denny, John T.|Tulivuori, Jukka|Xu, Jian


30 Jun 2022

This report examines Singapore’s vibrant technology-based startup ecosystem and identifies key lessons that can inform the efforts of Indonesia,…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Pangarkar, Nitin|Vandenberg, Paul


30 Jun 2022