
This paper details the views of a diverse range of Malaysian association leaders to these questions, based on a series of personal interviews held…


ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute

Schaper, Michael T.

Asia and the Pacific

11 Jun 2020

This paper will focus on the xinyimin in Indonesia, an undertaking that forms part of my larger project on Chinese migration in Southeast Asia. There…


ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute

Suryadinata, Leo

Asia and the Pacific

11 Jun 2020

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastics continue to contribute to environmental degradation across Sri Lanka. Fortunately, PET plastics are unique in…


The Asia Foundation

Foundation, The Asia

Asia and the Pacific

11 Jun 2020

This report provides a comprehensive overview of renewable energy developments in Asia and the Pacific. It covers 18 countries in the region considered…


11 Jun 2020

A sovereign city state is born with vulnerability. Though the COVID-19 pandemic is magnifying this vulnerability, the wisdom of Lee Kuan Yew in beating…

Asia and the Pacific

10 Jun 2020

We live in an “age of uncertainty”. On the one hand, a power transition seems to be upon us: China has risen, the United States’ resolve and commitment…

Asia and the Pacific

10 Jun 2020

Through time use surveys, this report breaks down the ways in which women contribute to the rural economy in Tajikistan through their paid and unpaid…


10 Jun 2020

This report will look into a selected support measures from the perspective of their implementation so far. Since the implementation of these packages…


Centre for Policy Dialogue

Development, Independent Review of Bangladesh's

Asia and the Pacific

09 Jun 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has bolstered the case for large-scale government intervention in the economy and in ensuring social welfare. It has thrown into…

Asia and the Pacific

09 Jun 2020

The concept of civil society in Georgia is primarily associated with NGOs. However, CSOs include formal institutions such as research associations,…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Asian Development Bank

Asia and the Pacific

09 Jun 2020

Spending on transport infrastructure can improve households’ income significantly, which may be transformed ultimately into higher tax revenue and GDP…


09 Jun 2020

This report published by GIZ, with contributions from ADB, sheds light on the benefits of artificial intelligence in social protection programs.


09 Jun 2020