
The current study investigated whether tourism-related small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) perform better than non-tourism-related SMEs in the…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Deyshappriya, N. P. Ravindra|Nawarathna, A. M. D. B.

Asia and the Pacific

30 Jul 2020

The existing potential of SMEs remains untapped in most developing countries, including India. In India, most SMEs have a lower share of foreign goods…

Asia and the Pacific

30 Jul 2020

This research study aimed to assesses the impact of infrastructure based on the evaluation of infrastructure provision’s effect on public finance,…

Asia and the Pacific

30 Jul 2020

The COVID-19, or coronavirus global pandemic has required huge responses from governments all over the world. Timor-Leste has its own unique…


The Asia Foundation

Aid, Australian|ORIMA

Asia and the Pacific

30 Jul 2020

Around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the value of effective government intervention. The scale of the economic impact of COVID-19…


The Asia Foundation

Jollans, Dan|Owen, James

Asia and the Pacific

30 Jul 2020

Nepal lacks a concrete policy framework for small and medium-sized enterprises' participation in global value chains.


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Kharel, Paras|Dahal, Kshitiz


30 Jul 2020

Most Pacific island countries appear to have avoided direct health impacts from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Yet, the pandemic highlights the…

Financial innovation has helped push out the frontier of access to finance while blurring the regulatory boundaries of the financial system.

A solid public–private partnership is vital to facilitate existing and new small and medium-sized enterprises in key coastal tourist destinations in…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Deyshappriya, N.P. Ravindra|Nawarathna, A. M. D. B.

Sri Lanka

28 Jul 2020

This working paper recommends guiding principles to streamline the application of the climate risk management (CRM) approach, aligned with the main…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Watkiss, Paul|Wilby, Robert|Rodgers, Charles Andrew


28 Jul 2020

Since 2010, Asia and the Pacific region has seen unrivaled economic growth. The growth of real gross domestic product per capita was more than double…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Asian Development Bank

Asia and the Pacific

27 Jul 2020