Sluggish Growth, Soaring Inflation to Persist in Mongolia in 2022

Economic growth is forecast to remain low in Mongolia this year before picking up next year,…

ADB Supports Export–Import Bank of Thailand’s First Green Bond Issuance

ADB is supporting the Export–Import Bank of Thailand, a specialized state-owned financial…

Georgian Economy to Grow 7% in 2022 — ADB

Georgia’s economy is expected to grow 7.0% in 2022, driven by higher export and tourism revenue…

ADB Approves $127 Million in Loans to Improve Dili Water Supply Network

ADB has approved $127 million in loans to help Timor-Leste provide safe and reliable water in…

Registration: APEC’s Rebecca Sta Maria on Rebuilding Supply Chains

The APEC Secretariat’s Rebecca Sta Maria will discuss imperatives for rebuilding supply chains…

ADBI Announces 25th Anniversary Essay Contest Winners

Authors shared their views on socioeconomic challenges that will greatly impact Asia over the…

Thailand’s Tech Startups Developing Rapidly

Technology-based startups in Thailand have grown rapidly in recent years, although startups with…

ADB $30 Million Project to Help Strengthen Health Security in the Kyrgyz Republic

ADB has approved a $30 million project to strengthen the Kyrgyz Republic’s health system and…