Child’s Play: The Surprising Gender Gap in Children’s Leisure Time

As the world commemorates International Youth Day, governments should consider targeted policies…

Leveraging Nuclear Technology for Plastic Waste Management

The burgeoning crisis of marine plastic pollution is causing widespread concern across the globe…

Empowering Young People in Creating an Inclusive and Livable City

The youth make up the largest demographic group in Mongolia, comprising more than a third of the…

Turn Water Losses to Gains: How District Metering Can Help Reduce Nonrevenue Water

One of the major challenges facing water utilities in many Asian cities is the high level of…

The Economics of Nature: How to Integrate Natural Capital into Policy

Nature's ability to regenerate is dwindling as human demands on it increase. To reverse…

How Tax Reform Can Help Women in Asia and the Pacific

Gender-focused tax reform can be a powerful tool to empower women, promote gender equality, and…

How Countries Can Use Emissions Trading to Help Meet Climate Change Goals

Countries must rapidly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to satisfy their nationally…

A Systematic Approach to Fossil Fuel Subsidy Rationalization

The benefits of fossil fuel subsidy rationalization (FFSR) are well-known. Yet, in practice,…

A Carbon Tax Can Help Reduce Dangerous Climate Change

Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of fossil fuels along with other greenhouse…

Coming to Terms with Inflation

ADB economists Matteo Lanzafame and Irfan A. Qureshi define key terms related to inflation in…