Solving Development Challenges through Hackathons

Hackathons bring together computer programmers, engineers, and others involved in software…

Transforming an Industrial City into an Eco-Friendly Tourist City

A project supported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has converted Huangshi City in the…

Navigating Climate Risk: The Crucial Role of Insurance in the Transition to a Low Carbon Economy

The insurance sector can be a game-changer by managing risks from climate change in Asia and the…

Opportunities and Benefits of Using Bioengineering in Kazakhstan’s Infrastructure Design

More countries are now considering the use of bioengineering in road infrastructure design and…

A Way to Sustain Uzbekistan’s Road Infrastructure Transformation

Uzbekistan has been making significant progress in enhancing its road infrastructure to…

Coming To Terms with Asia and the Pacific’s Labor Markets

Sameer Khatiwada, a Senior Public Management Economist whose research has focused on education,…

Inflation In Asia and the Pacific: The Good, The Bad, And How to Prevent The Ugly

Inflation in Asia and the Pacific’s developing economies has declined, but the fight may not be…

Unlocking Central Asia's Economic Potential by Integrating into Global Value Chains

A free trade agreement could bring the economic and social development benefits of global value…

Global Supply Chains Need Fixing: Help Is on The Way

Facing global supply chain challenges, the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework promotes economic…