Byte-sized diplomacy: Should Australia ban TikTok?

A new column to help understanding critical tech and national security.

Three Ways to Help Tech-Savvy Youth Transform Agriculture in Asia and the Pacific

The future of agriculture hinges on the integration of climate-smart technologies and education…

The carbon sinks of Southeast Asia are in trouble

Global demand for palm oil and paper is threatening a fragile peatland ecosystem. International…

Halfway, right: Australia’s approach to the Indian Ocean

The dividing line that splits the Indian Ocean in two is a pragmatic acknowledgement of…

India is totally slaying influencer diplomacy

Social media has changed the way people communicate, and public diplomacy has to keep pace.

2024 Southeast Asia Aid Map: Warning signs for the region

Declining levels of international financial support, especially for the clean energy transition…

Penny Wong defines Australia’s “national interests”

What happens when the Foreign Minister is asked to give meaning to a common political refrain?…

Back to the future for the US State Department?

Biden’s repair job after Trump turmoil is far from complete.

Here’s How to Prepare for Disasters, Not Just React to Them

Disasters triggered by natural hazards were once seen as inevitable. They are increasingly…

Bhutan: Dispatch from the Hermit’s happy hills

Forests and foresight set an isolated nation apart.

When cyber defence involves attack: Issues for Australia

How do Australian businesses and corporations deal with unwanted intruders on their networks?…

Who is Chinese Premier, Li Qiang?

Low expectations for China’s 2iC, in name at least, might miss the results of his quiet…