A summit between Japan and North Korea? About time

With Kim Jong-un extending an olive branch to Tokyo, high-level talks may be on the cards, but…

Securing India’s cities

The country’s future as an Indo-Pacific power depends on how resilient its cities are in the…

ASEAN-Australia: The art of what’s possible

The Melbourne summit delivered substance, even though it won’t change the world.

Central bank digital currencies: Is there a blueprint for success?

Countries carry different motives to change from the cash economy. But privacy and security…

ASEAN-Australia: Small steps at the big summit

The nitty gritty of diplomatic practice carries a cost for leaders.

Missile MAD: The prospects for global arms control

Agreements can foster trust – but won’t necessarily prevent wars.

Grand strategising: The view from outside

It is entirely possible that the US may soon install a very different policy elite with very…

How to Move from Resolutions to Actions in Addressing Biodiversity Challenges

Almost half of migratory species are in decline and more than 20% are threatened, according to…

From confrontation to collaboration: Working together on critical minerals supply chains

A global energy transition will rely not on decoupling but uniting for a diversified and…

A role for nuclear in Australia’s climate response?

In the facts-lite political debate, the opportunities and comparative advantages of solar are…

Melbourne gets a taste of the ASEAN way

Terms like 'consensus' and 'cooperation' float through the air, but awkward…