The Translator: "Friends to all"

A new series in which experts explain the sometimes baffling jargon of international affairs.…

Open sources and the future of spying

Countries spy to overcome an information deficit. But we now live in a world of information…

China’s dominance over critical minerals poses an unacceptable risk

The present market structure gives Beijing a whip hand – and we’ve already seen the consequences…

Why Japan’s de‑risking response to China is incoherent

A gap in interests divides the national security community in Japan and influential parts of the…

Some allies are more equal than others

Trying to make sense of the curious debate about allies' rankings.

Understanding the Potential of Informal Waste Recycling in Chennai

Effective waste management poses a critical challenge for developing nations, particularly in…

A big leap in the credibility of India’s nuclear weapons capability

A successful test of India's ICBM with multiple warheads comes after an immense investment…

Reverse colonialism? India and Britain’s free trade agreements

The failure of FTA talks between New Delhi and London rings with an unmistakable tone of irony…

Australia and deterrence: Dazed and confused

Debate about Australia's new nuclear-powered submarines betrays confusion and vagueness…

The ripple effects of NATO expansion

Türkiye’s approval of Sweden’s entry into the treaty alliance has led to improved US–Turkish…

A “climate defence force” for the Pacific

By harnessing human, environmental and resource security, Canberra can counter Beijing’s…

Reducing Indonesia’s Plastic Consumption through a Reuse Packaging Alternative

Indonesia is among the top Southeast Asian countries with a thriving “sachet economy,” where…