North Korea’s new threat: “Core central striking means”

Technological advancement is making nuclear disarmament goals even more difficult.

China and the great global AI governance divide

Beijing already has at its disposal multiple means to shape how the world approaches this…

Reflecting Australia as a career ambassador

Australia rightfully has a positive image, even if we’re sometimes better at telling our story…

Mapping the oceans is the new front in the battle for influence in the Indian Ocean

Ruling the waves means first understanding what lies beneath. Enter the geopolitics of…

Moscow attacks: Why Putin was quick to blame Ukraine

The Kremlin is covering its own mistakes in the bid to deflect attention.

Should Japan expand its security partnerships in the Pacific?

Four reasons why rushing in may not be the answer.

How to Increase the Representation of Women in the Transport Sector

Governments and the private sector in Asia and the Pacific need to take proactive steps to…

From silence to remembrance: Vietnam’s shifting approach to China

The delicate balancing of honouring fallen soldiers while navigating a strategically important…

Islamic State terror attack in Moscow a grim acknowledgement of global power status Russia seeks

One of Moscow’s goals in the Middle East was in many ways similar to that of the United States…

Opium and the colonial narco-state

In an attempt to control 19th century trade with India and China, Britain dumped tea and…