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The Lowy Institute is an independent, nonpartisan international policy think tank located in Sydney, Australia. It is Australia’s leading think tank, providing high-quality research and distinctive perspectives on the international trends shaping Australia and the world.

The Lowy Institute hosts speeches by leading national and international figures and holds events and conferences to discuss key global issues. It aims to deepen the international policy debate in Australia and to give Australia a greater voice on the international stage.

The Lowy Institute was founded in April 2003 by Mr Frank Lowy AC, one of Australia’s leading businessmen.



31 Bligh Street
Sydney NSW NSW 2000


New South Wales


+61 2 8238 9000

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Content from Lowy Institute

Different views of sovereignty on the continent shouldn’t obscure the many shared goals.

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Lowy Institute

Tony Press

Asia and the Pacific

21 May 2024

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The budget papers offer a chance to assess the government’s claims against fiscal reality.

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Lowy Institute

Tom Barber

Asia and the Pacific

21 May 2024

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Jakarta has welcomed some major world figures lately, hinting at its digital ambitions. But Indonesia faces stiff competition from the rest of ASEAN.

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Lowy Institute

Warief Djajanto Basorie

Asia and the Pacific

21 May 2024

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Biden is playing election politics with tariffs on China’s electric cars, while Albanese’s solar subsidy plans might end up costing Australia.

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Lowy Institute

John Edwards

Asia and the Pacific

20 May 2024

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