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The Brookings Institution India Center serves as a platform for cutting-edge, independent, policy-relevant research and analysis on the opportunities and challenges facing India and the world. The Center is based in New Delhi, and registered as a company limited by shares and not for profit, under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956. Established in 2013, the Center is the third and newest overseas center of the Washington, D.C.-based Brookings Institution. Our work is centered on the Brookings motto of “Quality, Independence, Impact.”



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Chanakyapuri, Delhi 110021




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Content from Brookings India

Industrial raw materials are key to our modern life. They are the building blocks of many products we use constantly, from buildings and infrastructure to ubiquitous…


Brookings India

Gross, Samantha

Asia and the Pacific

30 Jun 2021

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This paper looks at how multilateralists in the United States and Europe are thinking about strengthening a cooperative international order at a time when populism and…


Brookings India

Wright, Thomas

Asia and the Pacific

15 Feb 2021

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COVID-19 and the economic response have amplified and changed the nature of development challenges in fundamental ways. Global development cooperation should adapt…


Brookings India

Kharas, Homi

Asia and the Pacific

30 Jan 2021

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The 2015 Nepal earthquake, one of the deadliest in its history, evoked an outpouring of support from the international community in the form of cash contributions, in-kind…


Brookings India

Chakradeo, Saneet

Asia and the Pacific

18 Aug 2020

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