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The “leave no one behind” principle of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development requires appropriate indicators for different…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Asian Development Bank

This paper updates the analysis of the global macroeconomic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in earlier papers by the authors with…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Fernando, Roshen|McKibbin, Warwick J.

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged global economies with unparalleled negative shock. Asia and Latin America have gone through a…

Many economies in East and Southeast Asia are progressing toward becoming aging or aged societies. The impacts of this demographic…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Korwatanasakul, Upalat|Sirivunnabood, Pitchaya|Majoe, Adam

The Asia Foundation’s Afghanistan Flash Surveys on Perceptions of Peace, Covid-19, and the Economy: Wave 2 Findings – the second of…


The Asia Foundation

Akseer, Tabasum|Swift, David

While Malaysia’s economy may be driven by large industries where government-linked companies (GLCs) and multi-national corporations…


The Asia Foundation

Foundation, The Asia

As an economy with a population of 23 million, Taipei,China is enjoying the demographic dividend of economic growth resulting from a…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Chu, Chin-Peng|Yeh, Kuo-Chun

The adoption of new technologies and robotic systems can help firms to overcome more quickly the negative effects of the pandemic shock…

The question is what the new Director-General can do to save the organization from its existential crisis? In her inaugural statement,2…

This ADBI newsletter is published periodically throughout the year to provide information on current events, seminars and summits, Job…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Asian Development Bank Institute