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The publication reviews the experience of five transition economies from the Caucasus and Central Asia that acceded to the World Trade…


03 Jun 2022

This paper examines the impacts of fiscal policies on income distribution based on two alternative social welfare functions and takes…

This brief uses cellphone data to assess the effect of COVID-19 community quarantines, or lockdowns, on urban mobility in the…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Jiang, Yi|Laranjo, Jade R.|Thomas, Milan

The working paper examines how government take, which is the ratio of fiscal resource revenue to resource output, is an important…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Davies, Martin H.|Schröder, Marcel


26 May 2022

This paper analyzes data from cellphone-based origin-destination flows to assess the effect of community quarantines on urban mobility…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Jiang, Yi|Laranjo, Jade R.|Thomas, Milan

The pandemic has impacted migrant workers and raised challenges for policy makers through declining demand, shifting travel and…


20 May 2022

This study investigates the dynamic impact of social distancing policy on COVID-19 infection control, mobility of people, and…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Kim, Kijin|Kim, Soyoung|Lee, Donghyun|Park, Cyn-Young

An increase in US interest rates driven by demand shocks engenders a positive spillover to economic activity in the near term.


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Arbatli-Saxegaard, Elif|Furceri, Davide|Gonzalez Dominguez, Pablo|Ostry, Jonathan D.|Peiris, Shanaka J.


17 May 2022

This publication summarizes presentations and discussions from the ADB–Asian Think Tank Development Forum, which was held in November…


17 May 2022

This study examines the economic impacts of COVID-19-related school closures in the primary, secondary, and tertiary levels along with…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Cohen, Spencer|Chakravarthy, Sumathi|Bharathi, Sindhu|Narayanan, Badri|Park, Cyn-Young


13 May 2022