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In May 2018 the permanent shutdown of GM Korea's Gunsan plant heightened social interest in the management of multinational…

Korea Institute for International Economic Policy logo

Korea Institute for International Economic Policy

Han, Minsoo|Kim, Hyuk-Hwang|Choi, Hyelin|Park, Danbee|Kim, Jisu

Migrant workers, especially those doing domestic work, cannot be ignored in the fight against COVID-19. The measures taken to contain…

The Asian Development Review (ADR) is a professional journal that publishes research on development issues relevant to the countries of…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Sawada, Yasuyuki|Yoshino, Naoyuki

Global cross-border e-commerce has become increasingly important in the international economy. The next Asian miracle of growth could be…

NZIER was commissioned by Xero to investigate the economic potential of cloud-based business tools to support the productivity and…


New Zealand Institute of Economic Research

Bealing, Michael|Siddharth, Prince|Morel, Laëtitia Leroy de

Based on our most conservative assumptions and lowest cost results across all cost components, we estimate that a very conservative…


New Zealand Institute of Economic Research

Hogan, Sarah|Siddharth, Prince

In Georgia, the average cost of a room1 in a 3-star hotel was 118 GEL per night in February 2020. While the average cost of a room in a…


Policy and Management Consulting Group

Group, Policy and Management Consulting

The novel coronavirus COVID-19, and the subsequent crisis labeled as The Great Lockdown by the IMF, affected many sectors of the economy…


Policy and Management Consulting Group

Group, Policy and Management Consulting

The number of industrial property applications in AMS has been increasing in recent years due to the rapid economic growth in the region…


Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia

Tanaka, Yoshitoshi|Goto, Mika|Tou, Yuji|Yoshida, Suzuka