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The Hindu Kush Himalaya Region is approximately 4.2 million square kilometers and includes parts of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan,…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Asian Development Bank

Children with disabilities suffer disproportionately from the learning crisis. The global commitment to inclusive education is captured…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Chen, Liming|Raitzer, David|Hasan, Rana|Lavado, Rouselle|Velarde, Orlee

The severe economic downturn caused by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has forced governments worldwide to increase spending…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Felipe, Jesus|Fullwiler, Scott|Estrada, Gemma|Jaber, Maria Hanna|Magadia, Mary Ann|Patagan, Remrick

Disaster governance is a key element to building a resilient ASEAN community. Vulnerability to natural hazards has led to their…

Asian Development Outlook is the main economic forecasting product from ADB. It is published each April with an Update published in…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Asian Development Bank

The River Ravi brochure is a concise guide detailing the eco-revitalization master plan. The River Ravi in Pakistan is deteriorating and…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Asian Development Bank

In Georgia, the average cost of a room in a 3-star hotel was 113 GEL per night in November 2020, while the average cost of a room in a 4…


Policy and Management Consulting Group

Group, Policy and Management Consulting

PPPs have become mainstream for infrastructure development and are sometimes regarded as a “knight on a white horse” rather than just a…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Endo, Kei|Ram, KE Seetha

This study provides evidence of intergenerational transmission of human capital in Thailand, using data from the Thai land Labor Force…


Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia

Paweenawat, Sasiwimon Warunsiri

This publication assesses India’s fiscal federalism framework and recommends improvements based on learnings from the experiences of…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Abiad, Abdul|Akın, Çiğdem|Carrasco, Bruno|Conrad, Jurgen|Jha, Shikha|Karan, Navendu|Khetrapal, Sonalini|Sen Gupta, Abhijit|Singh, Rishav|Song, Lei Lei


14 Dec 2020