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Malaysia was initially lauded for its ability to combat the first few waves of COVID-19 but infection spikes since the Sabah state…

The world is rapidly changing. Urbanization, shifting demographics, climate change, access to data, and the coronavirus disease (COVID-…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Asian Development Bank Institute

To develop a cohesive, economically integrated, socially responsible, people-oriented, people-centered, and rules-based region, the…


Philippine Institute for Development Studies

Quimba, Francis Mark A.|Rosellon, Maureen Ane D.|Carlos, Jean Clarisse T.

The Philippine government provides various intergovernmental fiscal transfers to local government units (LGUs). Mandated by the Local…


Philippine Institute for Development Studies

Diokno-Sicat, Charlotte Justine|Mariano, Maria Alma P.|Castillo, Angel Faye G.|Maddawin, Ricxie B.

South Asian cities are rapidly urbanizing and projected to grow by more than 300 million new residents between 2020 and 2040. If the…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Ballaney, Shirley|Faust, Amy|Swarankar, Ramesh C.|Belliappa, Saswati Ghosh

This policy brief will discuss the conceptual issues related to state’s role in implementing UNGPs in businesses, review the current…


Centre for Policy Dialogue

Moazzem, Khondaker Golam|Preoty, Helen Mashiyat|Khan, Abdul Mahidud

The budget plan for 2022 envisages the primary goals for insurance of the economic growth in the upcoming year, emphasizing economic…

Marine litter seriously affects island-based or archipelagic economies. The Philippines is an example of a country at the center of this…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Serrona, Kevin Roy B.|Yu, Jeongsoo|Camarin, Mary Jean A.

Focusing on Asian economies over the period 2006 to 2019, we find that while nonbank finance appears to complement rather than…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Beirne, John|Renzhi, Nuobu|Volz, Ulrich

A power point presentaion that analyse the degree of market integration between Dambulla Dedicated Economic Centre and other regional…