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While the COVID-19 pandemic appeared to temper concerns about climate change in 2020, the issue has risen to prominence again in 2021.…

Lowy Institute logo

Lowy Institute

Kassam, Natasha|Leser, Hannah

The size of employment tends to have a greater impact on productivity in Asia and Pacific countries, while labor skills have greater…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Mauro, Filippo di|Hoang, Minh Duy|Morgan, Peter J.

Southeast Asian countries should implement policies aimed at enhancing productivity and boosting aggregate demand.


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Tanaka, Kensuke|Ibrahim, Prasiwi|Brekelmans, Sybrand


20 May 2021

This report reviews the social bond market and explores how social bonds can help tackle a wide range of development issues in Asia and…


20 May 2021

Cross-border bank positions in Asia and the Pacific remain highly concentrated to few counterparties, exposing the region to financial…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Lapid, Ana Kristel|Jr., Rogelio Mercado|Rosenkranz, Peter

ADB's Trade and Supply Chain Finance Program (TSCFP): 1. Fill market gaps for trade and supply chain finance. 2. Provide guarantees…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Asian Development Bank

Using the ADB COVID-19 Policy Database, this report examines how ADB members have dealt with the pandemic. It includes information on…


07 May 2021

This study assesses the determinants and impacts of cross-border banking concentration in 47 economies in Asia and the Pacific from 2000…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Lapid, Ana Kristel|Mercado, Rogelio Jr. V.|Rosenkranz, Peter


06 May 2021

This study investigates the impact of various government interventions on the spread of COVID-19 as well as stock markets in South-East…

World trade and production are increasingly structured around global value chains (GVCs). Typically, a value chain includes the…