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<p>Abstract The global energy landscape has gone through various changes by events such as the Russia-Ukraine war, the COVID-19…

<p>Abstract The global energy landscape has gone through various changes by events such as the Russia-Ukraine war, the COVID-19…

<p>Abstract The global energy landscape has gone through various changes by events such as the Russia-Ukraine war, the COVID-19…

<p>Abstract The global energy landscape has gone through various changes by events such as the Russia-Ukraine war, the COVID-19…

<p>Abstract The global energy landscape has gone through various changes by events such as the Russia-Ukraine war, the COVID-19…

<p>Abstract The global energy landscape has gone through various changes by events such as the Russia-Ukraine war, the COVID-19…

<p>Abstract The global energy landscape has gone through various changes by events such as the Russia-Ukraine war, the COVID-19…

<p>Abstract The global energy landscape has gone through various changes by events such as the Russia-Ukraine war, the COVID-19…

<p>Abstract The global energy landscape has gone through various changes by events such as the Russia-Ukraine war, the COVID-19…

Accelerating coal retirement at scale will require a holistic strategy tailored for each country.


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Govindarajalu, Chandrasekar |Handler, Brad |Chattopadhyay, Deb