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With vaccines not expected to fully roll out until 2024, lockdowns remain a critical priority to save lives today.…

Asia and the Pacific

22 Feb 2021

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Indeed, global vaccine procurements today are not equitable at all. While some high-income swiftly-acting countries…

Asia and the Pacific

19 Feb 2021

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An energy policy for ASEAN should explicitly pursue a dual transition pathway strategy to yield the best outcome in…


Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Diaz-Rainey, Ivan|Tulloch, Daniel J.|Ahmed, Iftekhar|McCarten, Matthew|Taghizadeh-Hesary, Farhad

Brunei Darussalam

19 Feb 2021

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The Philippine Journal of Development is a multidisciplinary social science journal published twice a year. As a…


Philippine Institute for Development Studies

Reyes, Celia M.|Siar, Sheila V.

Asia and the Pacific

18 Feb 2021

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This study documents the application of participatory governance for social housing in the Philippines through the…


Philippine Institute for Development Studies

Ballesteros, Marife M.|Ancheta, Jenica A.

Asia and the Pacific

18 Feb 2021

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The main drivers for economic development are dependent on water, which provides the basic need for survival and…


Philippine Institute for Development Studies

Bargayo, Serge Jude B.|Go, Gerard L.

Asia and the Pacific

18 Feb 2021

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The past year has perhaps been the most turbulent and disruptive one since the end of the Cold War, with the COVID-…

Asia and the Pacific

18 Feb 2021

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Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala’s election as the WTO’s new director-general was confirmed after President Biden cleared the…

Asia and the Pacific

17 Feb 2021

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This paper provides an overview of the participation of women in the digital economy across ASEAN. By using…

Asia and the Pacific

15 Feb 2021

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This paper examines gender among other factors that may constrain older persons in Southeast Asia from meeting their…


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Rodgers, Yana van der Meulen|Joseph E. Zveglich, Jr.

Asia and the Pacific

15 Feb 2021

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