So, Trump took out the debate. What if Biden wins the election?

What Trump says amounts to an imagined future, whereas Biden’s comments determine policy in the…

A tale of high stakes and nerves centre on the White House

Getting the balance right in the amount of information to provide the US President.

Putin in Asia: Setting a cat among the pigeons

Ever a pragmatist, the Russian leader’s calculated alignments are purely based on needs and…

Economic diplomacy: Ringfencing the Lucky Country

Some key Australian economic figures are embracing the new economics of national resilience in…

China’s mission to Moon rocks geopolitics

Shaping the rules of competition will ensure this space race is a peaceful one.

Aid discrepancies: Australia’s modest help to the Horn of Africa

The optics of such a small aid package against significant need could undermine…

Julian Assange: Some consular cases are more equal than others

It’s hard to think of a case that has consumed more official hours and dollars.

The case for AUKUS you should read – even if not yet the explanation we need

A Labor backbencher sets out the challenges Australia faces from China and a rationale for…

Assange’s guilty plea “crucial” for many in US intelligence community: James Clapper, former DNI

Justice has been served and an irritant in US relations with Australia resolved.

Hope for gold: The value in the Olympics

An economic case is hard to make. Reputational risks abound. Yet hosts want the Games, and that’…

Enhancing Agri-Food Traceability in the Greater Mekong Subregion

Food safety significantly impacts economic growth and human health, driving a trend towards…

Teachers in Asia and the Pacific Need More Support

Achieving universal education by 2030 demands significant improvements in teacher recruitment,…