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S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) is a professional graduate school of international affairs at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. RSIS' mission is to develop a community of scholars and policy analysts at the forefront of security studies and international affairs. Its core functions are research, graduate teaching and networking. It produces cutting-edge research on Asia Pacific Security, Multilateralism and Regionalism, Conflict Studies, Non-Traditional Security, International Political Economy, and Country and Region Studies. RSIS' activities are aimed at assisting policymakers to develop comprehensive approaches to strategic thinking on issues related to security and stability in the Asia Pacific. For more information about RSIS, please visit



Nanyang Technological University Block S4, Level B3, 50 Nanyang Avenue



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Content from S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies

As the international community grapples with its most serious public health crisis, there is urgent need for a humanitarian pause in superpower rivalry to enable…

Asia and the Pacific

15 May 2020

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The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic has exposed deep ideological divisions and geopolitical rivalries, especially between the US and China. ASEAN once again risks getting…


S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies

Tsjeng, Henrick Z.|Ho, Shawn

Asia and the Pacific

11 May 2020

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China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has virtually stalled because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Its physical infrastructure component or the Physical BRI has come to a…


S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies

Rana, Pradumna B.|Ji, Xianbai

Asia and the Pacific

05 May 2020

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The global trade outlook following the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic is undeniably dark. For a durable recovery it is imperative to build on the leadership that some…

Asia and the Pacific

04 May 2020

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