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Content from The Multilateral Cooperation Center for Development Finance (MCDF)

A USD1.659 million grant to support a new logistics park that aims to sustainably enhance connectivity and trade between China and the Association of Southeast Asian…

Asia and the Pacific

28 Mar 2024

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A USD210,000 grant to promote quality transport infrastructure and services development in Africa has been approved by the Multilateral Cooperation Center for Development…

Middle East and North Africa

26 Mar 2024

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A USD157,500 grant to promote air connectivity in Latin America and the Caribbean was approved by the Multilateral Cooperation Center for Development Finance (MCDF)…

Asia and the Pacific

26 Mar 2024

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The Multilateral Cooperation Center for Development Finance (MCDF) has launched a new digital handbook to help practitioners navigate the challenges of financing…

Asia and the Pacific

20 Mar 2024

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